At Home Adventure: Series to Stream Now

We may not be able to travel right not, but that doesn’t mean we can’t feel inspired by the magic of far away people and places that feed our wanderlust.

This is a list of our top picks that our team and friends having been sharing and recommending to one another. Some are new and some are classics, but all are binge worthy. Whether you’re interested in culture, food, wildlife, or some combination in between — we’ve got you covered.  Enjoy!

Nature and Wildlife

For those who are able to get outside and explore their backyard but who miss the feeling of being in the mountains, being within the wilds, and on an adventure — these might just satiate some of your cravings… for now at least.

Tales by Light

Total Episodes: 3 seasons, 12 episodes | Streaming now on Netflix

Tales by Light began as a short series from Canon before evolving into a partnership with National Geographic. Each episode features a different photographer and attempts to tell the story behind their incredible shots. 

Follow along with the photographers and get a glimpse of the incredible landscapes, elusive wildlife, and unique cultures that inspire their work. The calming background music combined with the stunning visuals and powerful stories in this series will have you captivated.

  • Best if you’re interested in photography and are in need of some heartwarming stories.


The National Parks: America’s Best Idea

Total Episodes: 1 season, 6 episodes | Streaming now on Amazon Prime

Filmed over the course of six years, this docu-series explores the history behind America’s National Parks. The thoughtful and informative stories combined with visuals ranging from historical works, art and photographs, and stunning cinematography makes for an all-encompassing overview of the creation of America’s National Park System and the people who dedicate their lives to preserving these beautiful places. 

  • Choose this option if you’re a fan of Ken Burns

  • Skip if you’re not interested in imagery-focused documentaries as this series follows the thread of history and background while using visuals to support.


Our Planet

Total Episodes: 1 season, 8 episodes | Streaming now on Netflix

Our Planet is a four years in the making Netflix original narrated by David Attenborough. Each episode examines how climate change impacts living creatures, exploring different landscapes and iconic wildlife. While at times this series’ portrayal of the planet may feel disheartening, overall the message that people throughout the world must work together to fix our environmental problems is inspiring and hopeful.

  • Check this series out if you’re a David Attenborough and Planet Earth fan.

  • Skip if you’re just looking for beautiful shots and not up for the sometimes challenging impact of climate change on nature.

Culture and Food

For those who love to immerse themselves in new places — observing the sites, experiencing culture, eating the local cuisine, and taking in the sounds of a city — these shows will give you a look into the magic of some of the most well known and off-the-beaten-path corners of the planet!


Ugly Delicious

Total Episodes: 2 seasons, 12 episodes | Streaming now on Netflix

This travel docu-series starring James Beard Award-winning chef David Chang became a hit when it first premiered in 2018 and thankfully its back with a second season just in time to occupy our time during the global shutdown. In each episode, Chang explores a specific dish or concept and how it’s interpreted by different chefs and cultures around the world.

Insider Tip: Be sure to check out the second season’s episode 2 “Don’t Call it Curry,” where Chang explores the regional differences in Indian cuisine and the authenticity of curry. He humbly shares his lack of familiarity with pan-Indian cuisine as he embarks on a culinary education, going as far to travel to and around India, crashing a wedding in Mumbai, and enjoying family style homemade meals with famed Indian-American friends, Padma Lakshmi and Aziz Ansari. As someone who has spent a lot of time eating Indian and Sub-Continental food — this episode was on point, interesting, humorous, and really fun to watch. Highly recommended!

  • Ideal if you’re interested in learning about a dish or cuisine and less about the culture.

  • Don’t miss this one if you’re a foodie!


Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Total Episodes: 1 season, 4 episodes | Streaming now on Netflix

In this follow up to Ugly Delicious, David Chang and his celebrity guests explore the cuisine and culture of different cities around the world as they eat their way through breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Compared to Ugly Delicious, this series focuses on one city in each episode and dives deeper into the people and culture of that city. Chang also makes use of his interview skills to get his celebrity friends to open up throughout their episode.

  • This is a light, food focused travel show best for those looking for a light and humorous introduction to new places, people, culture and food.

  • Might be worth skipping over if you’re not into the celebrities in the episode as Chang allows the guest and the location to truly shine in this one.


Anthony Bourdain

A Cook’s Tour
Total Episodes: 2 seasons, 35 episodes | Streaming now on Amazon Prime
No Reservations
Total Episodes: 9 seasons, 142 episodes | Streaming now on Hulu (seasons 7 - 8).

No list of travel shows is complete without mentioning Anthony Bourdain. Bourdain shaped travel television into what it is today and with his passion for adventure and food, we can’t help but find ourselves going back over and over again to rewatch as many of his legendary episodes as possible. While an in-house favorite was his No Reservations series, the predecessor and encore projects are currently more widely accessible online for streaming.

If you miss Bourdain as much as we do, we hope that following his world-wide travels full of fun, friends, and sharing the language of good food and big laughs will help you as much as it helped us!

  • Best if you want to feel as if you went along on a journey full of culture, lifestyles, and food of highlighted spots across the planet.

  • Worth a skip if you’re sensitive to adult language or have a queasy stomach.


Terrace House

Total Episodes: 4 seasons, 341 episodes | Streaming now on Netflix

This Japanese reality TV show documents the lives of young strangers as they move into a beautiful house together. Each season features a new cast of characters and follows along as they seek personal growth, form friendships, and fall in love. Unlike many American reality TV shows with explosive fights and exaggerated drama, this series plays out more like a documentary, adopting a slower paced story line that focuses on the everyday lives of the characters. Each season is filmed in a new city and offers an inside look into the lifestyle and culture of young people in Japan today.

  • Opt in if you’re interested in reality TV or a calming escape from reality.

  • Skip if you want something more fast paced or if you’re not a fan of subtitles.